Strava ist ein soziales Netzwerk für Sportler, vor allem für Radfahrer und Läufer, das es den Nutzern ermöglicht, ihre Trainingseinheiten zu verfolgen und ihre Leistungen zu vergleichen. Die Plattform des Unternehmens soll der Fitness-Community Motivation und Kameradschaft bieten. Strava hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, Sportler auf der ganzen Welt miteinander zu verbinden und Fitness zu einem sozialen Erlebnis zu machen.
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Nachrichten zu Strava258

Strava users can share URL links again as fitness giant removes ...
It was at the end of 2024 that Strava disabled the ability for users to share URLs on the its multiple app surfaces. It also deleted all historical URLs ...
Third-party links return to Strava with the help of AI
Strava users can now link externally again after a 5-month absence. · Third-party links can be shared in Athlete Profiles and Club Descriptions · Strava's new ...
Strava unveils new headquarters at San Francisco's iconic 181 ...
Strava, a popular app and San Francisco-based fitness tracking company, has announced a significant expansion in the city's downtown area....
Strava fitness app opens new headquarters in San Francisco
SAN FRANCISCO (KRON) — A popular fitness tech company, Strava, opened its new global headquarters in San Francisco. Strava executives celebrated at their ...
Strava upgraded its AI out of beta and added better anti-cheating tools
Strava is also improving its algorithm to prevent cheating or miscategorized activities on its segment leaderboards. Other Strava updates include a new progress ...