Material Security

Material Security bietet E-Mail-Sicherheitslösungen zum Schutz vor Phishing, unbefugtem Zugriff und anderen Bedrohungen. Das Unternehmen verwendet einen einzigartigen Ansatz, um die Gefährdung sensibler Daten zu verringern und Angriffe zu verhindern, bevor sie stattfinden. Material Security hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, die E-Mail-Kommunikation für Unternehmen und Privatpersonen sicherer zu machen.


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Nachrichten zu Material Security13

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Material Security
Mai 17, 2024 Im Diagramm anzeigen

Material's take on RSA 2024

If you attended RSA this year, you got to experience the conference in full swing! From the airport to the hotels, San Francisco was full to the brim with security folks. As always, the expo floor was a vast sea of booths and badge scanners. Instead of ma...

Material Security
Material Security
Apr. 8, 2024 Im Diagramm anzeigen

Meet with Material at RSA 2024

This year at RSA 2024, we have an exciting lineup for folks flocking to San Francisco! We know the week can feel extra crazy and overwhelming with over-the-top attention-grabbing efforts and events happening in different spots. That’s why we are hosting a...

Material Security
Material Security
Feb. 29, 2024 Im Diagramm anzeigen

Product Showcase: Introducing Data Protection for Google Drive

Last week we introduced Data Protection for Google Drive, a new product in our Cloud Office Security Suite. The product aims to control the spread of confidential information that's often shared loosely inside and outside of the organization. We held a Pr...

Material Security
Material Security
Jan. 9, 2024 Im Diagramm anzeigen

Worried about SEC impacts in 2024? Join Our AMA.

With many questions from the security community, we’ve put together a live AMA session to learn from industry experts about what this means for your business and how to prepare. Register to join and submit your questions to get them answered live....

Material Security
Material Security
Juni 29, 2023 Im Diagramm anzeigen

Risky Biz Podcast: Building an Insider Threat Program with Coinbase' Courtney Healey and Matt Muller

Senior Manager of Insider Threat at Coinbase, Courtney Healey, joins Material's Matt Muller on the Risky Biz podcast (starts at 43:37). They chat with host Patrick Gray on the importance of building a diverse and multi-disciplinary insider threat team and...

Material Security
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