Jellysmack ist ein globales Creator-Unternehmen, das die talentiertesten Video-Creators der Welt mit Hilfe von Technologie aufspürt und fördert. Die Plattform des Unternehmens optimiert und vertreibt die Inhalte der Creators über Social Media Plattformen. Jellysmack hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, das Potenzial jedes Kreativen zu entfesseln und seine Geschichten in die Welt zu tragen.
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Nachrichten zu Jellysmack29

Jellysmack is laying off staff as it scales back its creator program
Jellysmack, a prominent creator-economy startup backed by SoftBank, is undergoing a reorganization and downsizing staff....
SoftBank-Backed Jellysmack Restructures, Lays Off Employees, And ...
In a bid to restructure its operations, Jellysmack, a SoftBank Group-backed creator-economy startup, is laying off employees and reducing its creator ...
Jellysmack Is Laying Off Staff As It Scales Back Its Creator Program ...
Jellysmack, a prominent creator-economy startup backed by SoftBank, is undergoing a reorganization and downsizing staff....
Dan Abrams' Law&Crime True Crime Network Acquired By Jellysmack
Jellysmack has acquired Law&Crime, the true crime network of Dan Abrams, to expand its digital offerings and strengthen its growing YouTube portfolio in a ...
PRNewswire/ -- Jellysmack, the global creator company known for its innovative approach to distributing creator content across digital platforms, today...