
Castore ist eine britische Premium-Sportbekleidungsmarke, die für ihre Hochleistungs-Sportbekleidung bekannt ist. Das Unternehmen konzentriert sich auf die Herstellung innovativer, technologisch fortschrittlicher Sportbekleidung und Accessoires. Castore richtet sich an Athleten und Einzelpersonen, die in ihrer Sportbekleidung das Beste verlangen.


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Bewertung des Unternehmens

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Betrag der Finanzierung
Private Equity29 Nov., 2023
Seed24 Juni, 2018

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Nachrichten zu Castore6

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Aug. 24, 2024 Im Diagramm anzeigen

Castore: Andy Murray-backed sportswear brand makes first ...

Castore, the sportswear brand backed by the likes of Andy Murray and the billionaire co-owners of Asda, has made its first acquisition since it was valued ...
Juli 21, 2024 Im Diagramm anzeigen

Everton's new £110 Castore home shirt makes disastrous debut in ...

Everton 's partnership with kit manufacturer Castore got off to a shaky start when the badge on one player's new home shirt came loose during its first ...
Juni 16, 2024 Im Diagramm anzeigen

Everton boosted by club-record Castore kit deal worth £20m a year

Everton have received a much-needed financial injection after striking a club-record kit deal with Castore worth more than £20million a year....
Juni 15, 2024 Im Diagramm anzeigen

Everton boosted by club-record Castore kit deal worth £20m a year

Everton have received a much-needed financial injection after striking a club-record kit deal with Castore worth more than £20million a year....
Mai 8, 2024 Im Diagramm anzeigen

Castore: Andy Murray-backed sportswear brand makes first ...

Castore, the sportswear brand backed by the likes of Andy Murray and the billionaire co-owners of Asda, has made its first acquisition since it was valued ...
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