SWORD Health
SWORD Health erbjuder en digital fysioterapilösning som kombinerar teknik med mänsklig klinisk vägledning. Deras plattform inkluderar bärbara sensorer och en virtuell terapeut för personlig behandling. SWORD Healths strategi förändrar sjukgymnastiken genom att göra den mer tillgänglig och effektiv.
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Nyheter relaterade till SWORD Health28
$3 billion startup Sword Health cuts some physical therapists as it ...
Sword Health is trying to use AI to allow its physical therapists to treat more patients, people familiar with the situation said....
https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/other/3-billion-startup-sword-health-cuts-some-physical-therapists-as-it-ramps-up-ai-to-treat-more-patients/ar-AA1tTqAC$3 Billion Startup Sword Health Cuts Physical-Therapist Jobs ...
Sword Health is trying to use AI to allow its physical therapists to treat more patients, people familiar with the situation said....
https://www.businessinsider.com/3-billion-sword-health-cuts-physical-therapists-2024-11Sword Health Unveils Outcome Pricing: Takes Industry-Leading ...
New York, Sept. 10, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Sword Health, the pioneer of AI Care, making world-class, life-changing care accessible anytime, anywhere, ...
https://www.streetinsider.com/Globe+Newswire/Sword+Health+Unveils+Outcome+Pricing%3A+Takes+Industry-Leading+Approach+to+Pay+for+Performance/23706477.htmlSword Health tem cem vagas para a equipa portuguesa em áreas ...
A Sword Health tem 150 vagas em aberto, das quais cem são destinadas a Portugal. O unicórnio nacional está a recrutar para os escritórios de Lisboa e Porto, ...
https://www.msn.com/pt-pt/noticias/other/sword-health-tem-cem-vagas-para-a-equipa-portuguesa-em-%C3%A1reas-como-ia-engenharia-produto-e-data/ar-AA1pQSXJ?ocid=finance-verthp-feedsSword Health Launches Foundation to Further its Mission by ...
New York, July 23, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Sword Health, the pioneer in AI Care, today announced the launch of the Sword Foundation, which will further its ...