Orca Bio
Orca Bio tillverkar cellterapier med hög precision för behandling av cancer, autoimmuna sjukdomar och andra allvarliga tillstånd. Bolagets teknik möjliggör selektiv transplantation av nyttiga celler, vilket förbättrar patientresultaten. Orca Bios metod utgör ett betydande framsteg inom individanpassad medicin.
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Nyheter relaterade till Orca Bio44

Orca Bio's Orca-T® Meets Primary Endpoint in the Pivotal Precision ...
Orca Bio to present efficacy and safety data with Orca-T compared to conventional allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant (alloHSCT) at the 51st ...
Orca Bio's Orca-T® Meets Primary Endpoint in the Pivotal Precision ...
Orca Bio received guidance from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration on the design of Precision-T, which evaluated Orca-T in patients with acute myeloid ...
Orca Bio to Present at the 43rd Annual J.P. Morgan Healthcare ...
MENLO PARK, Calif., January 06, 2025--Orca Bio, a late-stage biotechnology company committed to transforming the lives of patients through high-precision ...
Orca Bio to Present at the 43rd Annual J.P. Morgan Healthcare ...
Orca Bio is a late-stage biotechnology company developing high-precision cell therapies for the treatment of cancer and autoimmune diseases. Our investigational ...
Orca Bio Presents Three-Year Survival Data with Orca-T® in ...
MENLO PARK, Calif., December 09, 2024--Orca Bio, a late-stage biotechnology company committed to transforming the lives of patients through high-precision ...