EquipmentShare erbjuder en tekniskt avancerad lösning för uthyrning av utrustning till byggbranschen, med ett brett utbud av verktyg och maskiner utrustade med smart teknik. Företagets plattform inkluderar telematik för realtidsspårning och integrering av arbetsflöden, vilket förbättrar tillgångsförvaltningen och den operativa effektiviteten. EquipmentShares innovativa tillvägagångssätt tillgodoser de unika behoven i moderna byggprojekt.
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Nyheter relaterade till EquipmentShare23
EquipmentShare makes Kansas City a key area in Midwest ...
Columbia-based EquipmentShare has grown quickly over the past four years. It's focused on Midwest growth — especially in Kansas City.... Weighing US IPO as Soon as Next Year
EquipmentShare, a construction equipment rental company, is in the early stages of exploring an initial public offering, according to people familiar with ... Weighing US IPO as Soon as Next Year - Bloomberg
EquipmentShare, a construction equipment rental company, is in the early stages of exploring an initial public offering, according to people familiar with ... Weighing US IPO as Soon as Next Year
(Bloomberg) -- EquipmentShare, a construction equipment rental company, is in the early stages of exploring an initial public offering, according to people ... Successfully Closes Upsized Offering of $600 ...
EquipmentShare is revolutionizing the construction industry by combining its nationwide equipment distribution network with its proprietary technology and ...