Contrast Security
Contrast Security är specialiserat på applikationssäkerhet och erbjuder verktyg för att automatiskt upptäcka och åtgärda sårbarheter i mjukvaruapplikationer. Företagets strategi integrerar säkerhet i livscykeln för mjukvaruutveckling. Contrast Securitys teknik är avgörande för proaktiv cybersäkerhet inom applikationsutveckling.
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Nyheter relaterade till Contrast Security102
Contrast Security Launches Managed Application Security
PLEASANTON, Calif., October 23, 2024--Contrast Security today announced the launch of Contrast One™, a new managed Application Security (AppSec) service.... Security AppointsFaya Peng as General Manager of Application Detection and Response
Cyber product expert will grow Contrast Security’s lead in ADR, the fastest growing emerging InfoSec category ...
Contrast Security Security Selected as 2024 SC Awards Finalist
PLEASANTON, Calif., September 03, 2024--Contrast Security, the Runtime Security company, is pleased to announce that Contrast's Application Detection and ... Security Selected as 2024 SC Awards Finalist
PLEASANTON, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Contrast Security, the Runtime Security company, is pleased to announce that Contrast's Application Detection and ... Security Introduces Application Detection and Response (ADR) to Identify and Block Attacks and Zero Days on Applications in Production
Contrast Security Introduces Application Detection and Response (ADR) to Identify and Block Attacks and Zero Days on Applications in Production. Read the full press release. ...
Contrast Security