Justworks - американская компания, чье программное обеспечение помогает бизнесам вести платежную ведомасть, управлять льготами и соцпакетом, а также отвечать налоговым и другим регуляционным нормам. Штаб-квартира разработчика - в Нью-Йорке.
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Новостной поток по компании Justworks90
Justworks doesn't regret whiffing on a 2022 IPO—and has no plans ...
Founded in 2012, Justworks provides HR software and services to over 12,000 small businesses, up from 8,000 customers in 2021. The company employs 1,500 people, ...
https://finance.yahoo.com/news/justworks-doesn-t-regret-whiffing-120000106.htmlJustworks doesn't regret whiffing on a 2022 IPO—and has no plans ...
Founded in 2012, Justworks provides HR software and services to over 12,000 small businesses, up from 8,000 customers in 2021. The company employs 1,500 people, ...
https://fortune.com/2024/12/12/justworks-ipos-2021-record-ukraine-inflation-chime-klarna-stubhub-rivian-robinhood-benefits/Justworks' leadership training places employees in the wilderness ...
Justworks offers select employees leadership training that takes them to the wilderness for one week and access to business classes....
https://fortune.com/2024/09/20/leadership-training-wilderness-corporate-justworks/Justworks' leadership training sends employees to the wilderness ...
In partnership with the NYU Stern School of Business, Justworks launched the 13-person, two-year-long leadership fellowship in 2022. Fellows attend monthly ...
https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/news/justworks-leadership-training-sends-employees-103000499.htmlDAVID FEINBERG OF JUSTWORKS ELECTED CHAIR OF THE ...
Prior to joining Justworks — a New York-based technology company and PEO founded in 2012 — Feinberg was the executive vice president and head of health plans ...