Automattic - владелец WordPress, Tumblr, Simplenote и других интергнет-активов. Головной офис компании расположен в Сан-Франциско.
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Новостной поток по компании Automattic100

Automattic and others back Openvibe, an app that's unifying the ...
Openvibe's clever app that integrates multiple open social networks, including Bluesky, Mastodon, Nostr, and Threads, just got a boost toward its future....
Automattic cuts WordPress contribution hours, blames WP Engine
Automattic will only contribute 45 hours each week to 'match' the amount of time spent by third-party hosting platform WP Engine....
Wegen Rechtsstreit: Automattic kündigt Mitarbeit an Wordpress fast ...
Man wolle die Arbeitszeit lieber in kommerzielle Produkte investieren, so das Unternehmen in seinem Blog. Hintergrund ist der Streit mit WP Engine....
Automattic cuts WordPress contribution hours, blames WP Engine
Automattic will only contribute 45 hours each week to 'match' the amount of time spent by third-party hosting platform WP Engine....
Automattic says it will reduce its contribution to WordPress core ...
Automattic CEO and WordPress co-creator Matt Mullenweg has been in a kerfuffle with WP Engine since September last year over the very issue of contribution to ...