The Brandtech Group
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Nouvelles liées à The Brandtech Group5
The Brandtech Group Draws The Blueprint For Ethical AI 09/13/2024
A GAI Ethical package, which includes the tool Bias Breaker -- from The Brandtech Group -- was announced Wednesday, with the goal of assisting set guidelines ... Brandtech Group Launches Gen AI Residency for Creators ...
The Brandtech Group is launching a residency program to help creators make ads using generative AI tools like Midjourney and ChatGPT....'Agencies are behind clients': David Jones on The Brandtech ...
Nine years ago, David Jones felt like a mad scientist at the Cannes Lions Festival, unveiling You and Mr Jones — now The Brandtech Group — promising to make ... The Brandtech Group CEO on Generative AI Brand Interest ...
The Brandtech Group founder and CEO David Jones joins Caroline Hyde and Ed Ludlow to discuss brands' interest in using generative AI and how the company is ... in advertising: The Brandtech Group snaps $115M funding, hits $4B valuation
In addition to the investment, The Brandtech Group has appointed Matthieu Bucaille, ex-CEO of Lazard International as its Global Chief Financial Officer. ...