
Wayve is a technology company focused on developing advanced autonomous driving solutions through their proprietary AI software, the Wayve AI Driver. This software enables vehicles to drive autonomously without relying on high-definition maps, instead learning to navigate through diverse environments by processing data directly. Wayve's approach integrates artificial intelligence comprehensively, ensuring adaptability and safety in unpredictable conditions. The company collaborates with automakers and other partners to implement their technology for various applications, including last-mile delivery and ride-hailing services.

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The data in the tables and charts is based on data from public sources and although we make every effort to compile the data, it may not coincide with the actual data of the issuer.

Funding Round
Funding Amount
Post-Money Valuation
Share Price
Series C7 May, 2024
Series B17 Jan, 2022
Venture6 Oct, 2021
Series A1 Aug, 2020
Series A1 Jul, 2019
Seed1 Sep, 2017

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May 30, 2024 Show on chart

Wayve Secures Innovative Patent Advancing Social Media Privacy ...

Wayve, a leading innovator in software solutions, has been granted U.S. patent No. 11943311 for its revolutionary technology in communication privacy and ...

May 30, 2024 Show on chart

Wayve Secures Innovative Patent Advancing Social Media Privacy ...

The newly patented technology by Wayve introduces a paradigm shift in ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of communications across multiple mediums. By ...

May 21, 2024 Show on chart

Will XAI save self-driving cars?. Wayve, the London-based AI self ...

This time by Wayve, an AI self-driving startup from London, UK. You would think by now that the interest in self-driving technology is slowly dying down to the ...

May 10, 2024 Show on chart

Wayve wyłania się jako kolejny gigant technologii. Sprawdzamy ...

Być może to pierwszy, ale z pewnością nie ostatni raz, kiedy widzicie logo firmy Wayve. W przedsiębiorstwo zainwestowały takie „grube ryby” jak NVIDIA czy ...

May 10, 2024 Show on chart

Self-Driving Startup Wayve Gets $1B Investment | by ODSC - Open ...

Established in 2017, Wayve has distinguished itself by developing an AI system that enables vehicles to learn from real-world driving, reducing reliance on ...

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Baillie GiffordBaillie Gifford
Eclipse VenturesEclipse Ventures

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