Volocopter makes electric flying vehicles for urban air mobility. Potential applications include air taxis and cargo shipment. The firm wants to create an ecosystem around its vehicles, so that users can book a flight via an app or spend time in special 'Voloports'.
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Volocopter, deutscher Flugtaxi-Hersteller aus Bruchsal, hat Insolvenz angemeldet. Das Amtsgericht Karlsruhe bestellte Tobias Wahl von Anchor Rechtsanwälte ...
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德國空中的士開發初創公司Volocopter表示,無法籌措新資金以維持公司運作,因此申請破產。Volocopter預期,在破產重組期間保持公司有限度運作,將尋求新注資,冀令公司回復 ...
德国低空经济明星企业又破产一家Volocopter希望重组后“拿证上市 ...