Strava is a developer of an application that measures distance covered, pulse, and pace of cyclists and runners. The app also allows to organize and share photos of runs and rides with other users. The firm is headquartered in San Francisco.
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News related to Strava249

Francia, soldati rivelano posizioni sottomarini sulla fitness app Strava
Incidente per la Marina francese di stanza alla base di Ile Longue, in Bretagna. Nella base si trovano quattro sottomarini nucleari, in grado di trasportare ...
Franske ubåtsmannskaper lekket hemmelige data gjennom ...
Franske ubåtsmannskaper lekket hemmelige data gjennom treningsappen Strava · Franske ubåtsmannskaper avslørte ved en feil svært konfidensiell informasjon om ...
Franska ubåtsbesättningar läcker av misstag hemliga data via ...
Franska ubåtsbesättningar läcker av misstag hemliga data via Strava-appen · Franska ubåtsbesättningar läckte av misstag mycket konfidentiell information om sina ...
French Submarine Crews Accidentally Leak Secret Data via Strava ...
French submarine crews accidentally leaked highly classified information about their ballistic missile submarines' (PCBM) patrols via the fitness tracking ...
Nuclear submarine crew risk leaking position to Russia by using ...
Crew members of a French nuclear submarine who were logging runs on the fitness app Strava have risked leaking their position and patrol schedule to Russia....