Raisin acts as an intermediary between banks and personal customers in Europe. Customers can select the best available offers and banks get an additional marketing channel for their services. Raisin's partner banks can also integrate services from other partner banks.
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MADRID, 6 (EUROPA PRESS) Cetelem ha llegado a un acuerdo con la plataforma Raisin para comercializar una nueva cuenta de ahorros que ofrece una remuneración ...
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In the latest episode of the Visionaries Podcast, Jinny Oh sits down with Cetin Duransoy, CEO of Raisin US, to explore his journey, the importance of ...
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Die Berliner Einlagen- und Anlageplattform Raisin hat 2023 zum ersten Mal einen Gewinn erzielt. Das Ergebnis vor Zinsen, Steuern und Abschreibungen betrug 20 ...