N26 is a German fintech company that provides banking services for consumers and businesses via a mobile application. N26 enables users to open a bank account, send and receive money, and get physical and virtual cards. The company also provides insurance solutions. N26 is headquartered in Berlin.
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https://de.finance.yahoo.com/nachrichten/%C3%A4rger-n26-kunden-beschweren-%C3%BC-073219409.htmlGerman fintech unicorn N26 just had its first profitable quarter
Ten years after pitching onstage at TechCrunch Disrupt in London, fintech N26 has reported its first ever quarterly (pretax) profit....
https://au.finance.yahoo.com/news/german-fintech-unicorn-n26-just-174820891.htmlGerman fintech unicorn N26 just had its first profitable quarter ...
Ten years after pitching onstage at TechCrunch Disrupt in London, fintech N26 has reported its first ever quarterly (pretax) profit. The challenger bank....