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Company Valuation

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  • Cumulative Funding

The data in the tables and charts is based on data from public sources and although we make every effort to compile the data, it may not coincide with the actual data of the issuer.

Funding Round
Funding Amount
Post-Money Valuation
Share Price
Series D16 Dec, 2021
Venture5 Mar, 2021
Series C16 Sep, 2020
Series B11 Jun, 2019
Series A5 Feb, 2018
Seed26 Jun, 2017
Pre-Seed7 Apr, 2017

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News related to Infarm5

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Sep 25, 2023 Show on chart

German Agritech Startup Infarm raises €176.8 Million, now valued at ...

Founded in 2013 by Osnat Michaeli and the brothers Erez and Guy Galonska, Infarm aims to share the goodness of self-grown produce with everyone....
Oct 6, 2022 Show on chart

Investment & Funding Update: C$26 Million Cash Bankrolled in ...

"Elevate Farms' solution addresses the market need and its unique...
Dec 25, 2021 Show on chart

10 Images that Explain What to Expect From Climate Change

IPO Watch. Yahoo Finance's dedicated coverage on IPOs, capital funding, tech unicorns and startups seeking stock market listings in Europe. Explore more ...
Dec 21, 2021 Show on chart

Aine Quinn - Bloomberg

relates to Urban Farming Startup Infarm Gets Backing From Qatar Wealth Fund...
Dec 19, 2021 Show on chart

Lobster population grows amid global warming

IPO Edge and the Palm Beach Hedge Fund Association hosted a fireside chat with the...

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