
Forward offers a health care service which allows members to book appointments with doctors and get access to health data through an app. The company provides a wide variety of treatments and tests.

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Company Valuation

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  • Cumulative Funding

The data in the tables and charts is based on data from public sources and although we make every effort to compile the data, it may not coincide with the actual data of the issuer.

Funding Round
Funding Amount
Post-Money Valuation
Share Price
Series E15 Nov, 2023
Series D11 Mar, 2021
Series C1 May, 2019
Series B20 Jun, 2017
Series A13 Jul, 2016

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Nov 15, 2023 Show on chart

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First Round CapitalFirst Round Capital
SoftBank Vision FundSoftBank Vision Fund
Khosla VenturesKhosla Ventures

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