Bending Spoons
Bending Spoons is an Italy-based mobile app developer. Its portfolio includes an AI photo enhancement app, a mobile video editor, and a personal productivity app.
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News related to Bending Spoons40
Bending Spoons ha annunciato di aver concluso l'acquisizione di ...
Bending Spoons, azienda italiana sviluppatrice di applicazioni per dispositivi mobili fondata nel 2013, già proprietaria di Evernote e Meetup, ha annunciato ... Spoons si espande e passa addirittura allo streaming
No, non è proprio lo streaming che pensate voi, Bending Spoons non sta pensando di fare concorrenza a Netflix, ma la sua acquisizione mira ad accrescere le ... agrees to $233 million buyout by Bending Spoons By ...
BOSTON - Brightcove Inc. (NASDAQ: BCOV), a prominent streaming technology company, has announced an agreement to be acquired by Bending Spoons, a technology ... Spoons to acquire Brightcove for $233 million, Brightcove ...
Brightcove (NASDAQ:BCOV) on Monday said it has entered into a definitive agreement to be acquired by Bending Spoons, in an all-cash transaction valued at ... to be acquired by Bending Spoons for $4.45 per share in ...
Brightcove (BCOV) announced that it has entered into a definitive agreement to be acquired by Bending Spoons, in an all-cash transaction valued...