
Axonius' platform delivers visibility across an organization's assets and allows to detect potential cyber vulnerabilities. HQ - in NYC.

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The data in the tables and charts is based on data from public sources and although we make every effort to compile the data, it may not coincide with the actual data of the issuer.

Funding Round
Funding Amount
Post-Money Valuation
Share Price
Series E5 Mar, 2024
Series E8 Mar, 2022
Series D1 Mar, 2021
Series C31 Mar, 2020
Series B27 Aug, 2019
Series A12 Feb, 2019
Seed6 Sep, 2017

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Sep 2, 2024 Show on chart

Axonius named a Leader in SaaS Security Posture Management (SSPM) by GigaOm

Axonius recognized as a Leader in SaaS Security Posture Management by GigaOm for its comprehensive SSPM solution, offering insights and automation beyond SaaS apps....

Aug 7, 2024 Show on chart

Axonius is Named to the 2024 Forbes Cloud 100

Axonius is now the only company to offer a combined solution for Cyber Asset Attack Surface Management (CAASM), SaaS Security Posture Management (SSPM), and ...
Aug 7, 2024 Show on chart

Axonius is Named to the 2024 Forbes Cloud 100 | Morningstar

Axonius is now the only company to offer a combined solution for Cyber Asset Attack Surface Management (CAASM), SaaS Security Posture Management (SSPM), and ...
Aug 1, 2024 Show on chart

Your Unofficial Guide to Black Hat USA 2024

Here’s our curated list of talks, parties, and other highlights you’ll want to know about at Black Hat USA 2024 in Las Vegas....

Jul 17, 2024 Show on chart

Introducing… Humans Behind the Hoodie, Season 2: Luis Valenzuela

Watch Humans Behind the Hoodie, starring Luis Valenzuela, Director Data Governance and Data Protection at InComm Payments....

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Vertex VenturesVertex Ventures
Bessemer Venture PartnersBessemer Venture Partners
Lightspeed Venture PartnersLightspeed Venture Partners
Alkeon CapitalAlkeon Capital

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