
AlphaSense is a search engine for business and finance data which relies on premium sources and AI technology. AlphaSense is used by over 50% of S&P 500 companies.

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Company Valuation

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  • Cumulative Funding

The data in the tables and charts is based on data from public sources and although we make every effort to compile the data, it may not coincide with the actual data of the issuer.

Funding Round
Funding Amount
Post-Money Valuation
Share Price
Series F11 Jun, 2024
Series E28 Sep, 2023
Series D11 Apr, 2023
Series D15 Jun, 2022
Series C30 Sep, 2021
Series B17 Jul, 2019
Series A6 Mar, 2016
Seed13 Jan, 2013

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Jul 8, 2024 Show on chart

AlphaSense Completes Acquisition Of Tegus

PRNewswire/ -- AlphaSense, the leading market intelligence and search platform, today announced it has closed its acquisition of Tegus, a leading provider ...
Jun 15, 2024 Show on chart

AlphaSense valued at $4 billion after latest funding round

(Reuters) - Market intelligence platform AlphaSense said on Tuesday it had raised $650 million in its latest funding round, increasing its valuation to $4 ...
Jun 11, 2024 Show on chart

AI research firm AlphaSense to buy rival Tegus—only months after ...

AlphaSense is an older firm, founded in 2011 by CEO Jack Kokko along with CTO Raj Neervannan when both were classmates at the Wharton School. Kokko and ...
Jun 11, 2024 Show on chart

AlphaSense to Join Forces with Tegus; Increases Latest Valuation to ...

With market intelligence and search built on proven AI, AlphaSense delivers insights that matter from content you can trust. Our universe of public and private ...
Jun 11, 2024 Show on chart

AI research firm AlphaSense to buy rival Tegus—only months after ...

AlphaSense is an older firm, founded in 2011 by CEO Jack Kokko along with CTO Raj Neervannan when both were classmates at the Wharton School. Kokko and ...
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Goldman SachsGoldman Sachs
Viking Global InvestorsViking Global Investors
Morgan StanleyMorgan Stanley

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